Crafted For All - backup


 Topa Topa is proud to be a part of the Crafted For All community. Its mission is "to bring the diversity of craft beverages to people and the diversity of people to craft beverages". Created and led by J. Nikol Jackson-Beckham, Ph.D (Dr. J to most), Crafted For All is a framework built to bring inclusivity, equity and justice to the craft beer community. 

Dr. J shares resources, links, and leads seminars with our team to help us build the foundational blocks of change internally. We are committed to taking actionable steps to drive inclusive, equitable, and just behaviors within our Company. We will continue to progress every day, be accountable to ourselves and our community, and create safe and enjoyable taprooms for all to enjoy.

Along with becoming a member of Crafted for All, we have established the TTBC Inclusion, Equity and Justice Committee to hold our Company accountable. The top three goals of our committee are:

  • Promote training, events, and partnerships to bring awareness and action to inclusion, equity, and justice
  • Engage coworkers in inclusion and diversifying training
  • Create Policies that provide diversity and inclusion training

We encourage you to join us in Dr.J’s Crafted For All and work to continue to have open conversations about inclusion, equity, and justice within our local and larger communities.

Head to Crafted For All's website for more information on how to join!